Friday, March 23, 2007

DotCom 5: The Gospel of Judas

I was asked what this was ...

It is a text of the second century that was written by a "gnostic" sect. The gnostics were a movement that claimed special "gnosis" - ie special knowledge - about Jesus Christ and God. Their teachings and writings (including the gospel of Judas) where rejected by church leaders at the time as a fabrication. With the recent publication of a translation of the gospel (the only known ancient copy) church leaders have continued to reject it. As it appears at around the same time as the Da Vinci Code, it, not surprisingly, has been seized on by various conspiratory theorists amongst others.

Wikipedia has a reasonable article about it here.

An English translation of the text can be viewed at here . you will notice the talk of secrets and mysteries (in this case revealed only to Judas supposedly).