Friday, August 24, 2007

Heaven, Hell and Hitler

Hell's Pizza have just taken down a billboard with a saluting picture of Hitler and the words "It is possible to make people believe Heaven is HELL (Adolf Hitler)." Apparently they removed it after a complaint by a Jewish group.

Where are the churches? They should all be up in arms about this and calling for a boycott on Hell's pizzas. Here we have a commercial company trying to make money by disparaging what we believe.

They should also be pointing to the bill board and saying "Hitler was right." Look at what has happened since Hitler ....

In the name of freedom the joy of sex in the arms of a life long spouse has been replaced by the gratuitous lust of strangers of any number, any gender, any age.

In the name of freedom thousands die before they are born

The right to hold an opinion has become the right to do what every one wants

The freedom to worship has sprouted malls and mega-stars

The joy of worshiping one's creator has been transformed into entertainment with a Christian label.

Information has obliterated wisdom

The image has displaced the word

The uniqueness of Christ is at best an embarrassment, at worse intolerant

In the name of diversity Allah, Buddah, Jesus, Hare Krishna and David Beckham are all considered equals.

It is a sin now to claim to know the truth for everything is relative

It is sinful to proclaim the truth, for thou shalt not be intolerant

Gluttony is no longer a sin, one has a right to over eat

Violence is a sickness, not an evil

Humans are resources, not neighbours

Values are private and morals can't be taught

One parent is as good as two

The right to own has displaced the responsibility to budget

"Because you deserve it," is believed

Children are only loaned by the State to the parents

and the Church charged with proclaiming to the world "here is the light" has switched off the power and is huddled in a corner playing charades hoping the world will go away and let them be.