Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mainly Music and much much more

I was thrilled on Sunday to hear and read a little more about an initiative in our church called "Mainly Music" that involved an hour or so during the week where parents and children can gather for music, stories, and a chat. I have witnessed many similar initiatives before that are aimed to reach out to certain sectors of the community. Many of them are very worthwhile, but given the way they are set up and portrayed I believe they should not be functions of the church. I say this, because they fail to identify who they are and what they do with the fundamental message of the gospel - the unique salvation available to all through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What impressed me about Mainly Music (other than the enthusiasm and competence of those involved) was that it was deliberately "Jesus with skin on" with the intention for people to connect to the local church. Furthermore, it was using methods and points of contact appropriate and meaningful to the people being reached out to.

"Jesus with skin on" is an interesting concept. I like it more than "What would Jesus do" because that tends to turn Jesus into some kind of superhero to be mimicked. "Jesus with skin on" seems to me to strike an important note - namely that we are not merely the representatives of Jesus Christ on earth, but that his Spirit lives in us - not merely for our own sake, but for the sake off all. When Jesus prays for us (John 17:20ff) it is for us to be in the Godhead so that the world may believe. This being only possible through the gift of the Spirit and only properly shown in our lives by our mission focus.

In the material I read on Mainly Music it spoke of speaking about God. In the past I have heard the argument that all we need to do is to "act Christianly" and it will attract people to the church. Unfortunately, this is a failed method in this country and it is a little naive. It also, is a little lazy. Biblically, the gospel is always communicated by words and demonstrated by actions. There can not be one without the other. I commend the Mainly Music team for recognizing this.

I believe that churches need to be very careful to test their ministries to see that they have a mission focus. Everything that the church does - from its fund raising, to its ministries to the bereaved, ill, young, parents etc MUST be focussed on conveying the gospel - not just parts of it, all of it. Necessarily they must contain an element of spoken word about Jesus Christ. I recognise that for many Christians the "speaking part" is harder to do than the "service part" - it is up to churches everywhere to equip their members to do the speaking part.

Aims of mainly music
  • To ensure that all those who attend mainly music hear a clear, concise, loving and balanced Gospel message
  • To nurture parents by giving them practical support, encouraging the parent/child bond through our music time and providing an environment of networking for parents

Mainly Music's web site: