Thursday, September 07, 2006

The active worrier

There are times when we all worry. The future may seem bleak ... for our selves or someone we know. Worry is in part being in a state of uncertainty. As someone who easily worries I've been thinking a little lately about this and about being an active worrier.

A passive worrier is someone who starts to worry and just allows the thoughts to continue, and possibly, overwhelm them. An active worrier is someone who recognises the worrier and takes some positive action.

Jesus gives us the clue to the first step an active worrier can take. He talks of not worrying because God is all knowing and all caring. In other words - put your worry in the greater perspective of you being part of God's creation - a very loved part. Jesus then calls us to action - "strive" for the kingdom of God and that which is right is his call (Matthew 6:25-34).

So, two actions are there - put things in perspective and strive to do what is right (ie not merely convenient). These may be preceded by a third action - prayer. A wise friend said the other day - when you find yourself worrying, pray. At the very least "a problem shared is a problem halved" - but be prepared for much more for our God is a gracious God.