Sunday, September 17, 2006

Work 5: Role Models

The "Don Brash" affair in the media this week got me thinking about all of us who at one time or another are role models for others. If it becomes public that the coach of a junior football team is having an extramarital affair with the art teacher, or the principal is caught driving over the limit, should they resign?
Questions of honesty and integrity of those in leadership are important. Intentionally or otherwise these people are role models. Usually we claim "my private life is my own business" - but the boundaries between public and private blur when we are perceived to be people with traits we expect others, in particular children, to follow. Furthermore, we are one person - the person who is dishonest in their private life is the same person with the responsibility to be honest in their public working life.
However, none of us are perfect - and Jesus saying "let whoever is without sin cast the first stone" is a reminder to be absolutely fair in our judgment of others and their actions. I guess the place to begin is in looking at ourselves as individuals - in private and in public - and expecting of ourselves the same levels of honesty and integrity as we expect of our children, spouses, and friends.