Monday, September 11, 2006

S&C 3: Evolutionism

In a previous post I was careful to differentiate between a scientific theory - such as the theory of evolution, and religious or philosophical statements made by individuals who believe the scientific theory supports their religious point of view. In the case of those who use the theory of evolution to support an atheistic view of the world I call this EvolutionISM.

One of the "worst" (in the sense of making the illogical leap from scientific to religious statements) proponents of Evolutionism is British scientist and author Richard Dawkins. In books such as "The selfish gene" and "The Blind Watchmaker" he repeatedly attempts to put down Christianity. My concern here, though, is not so much attacks on a religion, but the logical consequences of evolutionism.

Dawkins himself in The Selfish Gene (p3) states "...that a human society based simply on the gene's law of universal rutheless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But, unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true." He then spends another 300+ pages defending his selfish gene thesis. He tries to claim that he's not advocating "morality based on evolution" but that is exactly what he is doing in that his argument is that everything done ultimately depends on genes trying to replicate themselves. This makes all moral decisions equally "good" or "bad" if they promote the replication of genes! Such a position is a recipe for anarchy. Unfortunately, it is also where we are heading socially as a nation. We see it in the "victimisation" of the criminals. They are treated as victims of their genes (race) and environment. They are treated as though they have a sickness rather than as evil doers.

Sexual behaviours once considered deviant (morally) are now considered acceptable - in part this is because of an overriding atheistic philosophy that it is all in our genes.

Evolutionism should be of major concern to the Christian community as it ultimate promotes a selfish world. It is these philosophies that must be resisted and shown to be lacking in logic that must be resisted. It is not a problem of the science, but of the people who misrepresent it. They are who our attention should be focused on - not the science itself.