Thursday, August 17, 2006

S&C 1: A big question

Over the past few weeks both Christians and non-Christians have asked me questions relating to the interaction of my religious faith and science. Not surprising really given that I've PhD in Physics, yet walk around campus with a cross on my shirt. The questions have included "Do you believe in Evolution?" "Aren't Christianity and Science in conflict?" "Do you believe in Adam and Eve as real people?". Some of the questions are predicated by assumptions about what the person themselves believes - either as a Christian or as a non-Christian. In the non-Christian's situation it appears to me that what they think Christians believe about science is based on their encounters with one or two Christians and perhaps on a bit of news media (especially from the US).

Anyway, I've decided to blog a bit on this and will preface these blogs as S&C blogs. I'll look at the nature of science, the nature of religious belief, what the Bible says and doesn't say about science and more.