Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Work 2: Grief

Grief is not just the emotion we feel when a loved one dies, but is also present when we have to let go of that which is precious to us. In our modern world where no job is gauranteed for life this includes, at times, letting go of the work environment, the colleagues, and our creations. With grief can also come shock when the loss is unexpected and out of our control. Grief is the base emotion with tears, jokes, anger all being exhibited. Grief is also a very natural reaction ... not something to be ashamed of or avoided.

Platitudes and new strategies as to "how to deal with grief" or stress relieving exercises are not likely to be particularly useful or welcome just at the moment. What I think the whole of the College needs now is one big hug ... I can't do that, but I'll pray for it from someone who has wide enough arms.