Thursday, June 07, 2007

The gene is outed

Good news everyone - being overweight is no longer a sin .... (but did you ever think of it as such?) - microwaves made me do it.."Microwaves may be to blame for kick-starting the obesity epidemic, a UK scientist suggests." (

A couple of weeks ago the latest excuse for obesity was the "fat gene."

Isn't it amazing how the world is looking to science to give an excuse for the way we are. If we are fat - blame our genes (or a microwave, or socio-economic conditions or...). Whatever you do DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF FOR OVEREATING - to actually take some responsibility would be tragic.

Of course, a gene to excuse gluttony is not the only convenient gene - a gene that produces more testosterone is just the excuse we need for our adultery, or a gene for homosexuality gives us an out!

Or does it?

No No No No ... These gene excuses are no such thing. They are merely saying that certain people are more susceptible (at best) than others to putting on weight (for eg). ie they seem to have more trouble than others to saying "No."

From a pastoral perspective all that means is that some people will need more encouragement than others to say "No" to certain behaviours. ie perhaps some will need a little more compassion. All or us, though, who fail to say "No" to gluttony, lust or giving in to any other temptation are still all equally guilty (though, I suppose, there may be a gene such that some people are more susceptible to guilt feelings than others....). In other words, all these studies looking for scientific answers are worthless unless we take responsibility for our own choices.