Monday, June 18, 2007

How should Christians vote? 3. Not morally

There appears to me to be a hard core of Christians who vote in the hope of "Trickle down morality" from Politicians. Sorry, but not matter how you vote at the polls it will not usher in the Kingdom of heaven.

Yes, we should demand of our politicians, along with all leaders, a high moral standard. We should also try and be aware of their likely stand on certain issues.

However, it is abhorrent to me that Christians think that politicians should do the role of the church and be a defender of Christian values. Morals must "bubble up" from the lives of individual Christians attuned to the mind that sets the standard for all morals to be measured against.

Instead of focusing on one or two moral issues these Christians should look at the larger picture and consider if politicians and their parties are pursuing justice in all issues.