Friday, June 22, 2007

Where is the anger?

I've just read Numbers 31. God asked the Israelites to avenge him against a tribe that had led Israelites away from God. Moses's ordered a battle and there was a lot of brutal blood letting. Frankly, I don't know how much of how Moses acted God was pleased with and how much, if any, he thought "over kill" (literally!). What I do know, is that the Israelites had been led from God by others and God, and Moses, were angry.

The question I think we should all ask our selves is "When did I last get angry because God's holiness was afronted?"

If the answer is "never" or "a long time ago" then we need to take a long look at ourselves. We also need to be aware if we get angry only when we feel personally affronted or when we feel it is the "right thing to do" because everyone else is doing it (eg the anger at Meridian energy following the death of the woman who had her power cut off - That anger was only on the "possibility" that there was a causual link between the cutting of the power and the woman's death. It seemed to sweep the world of talk show and politics, without waiting for the facts to come in).

So.. how do we get a sense of God's holiness and his right to expect it to be defended?

When we feel that anger, the next question is how do we control it and express it to bring about changes in attitude and action?